Power BI Intermediate
Training Level 2.0
This training is for anyone who already has quite some experience working with Power BI. You will be able to use more advanced features for handling complex cases on data cleaning, modeling, DAX, and visualization challenges.
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Get Offer
Learning PathPower BI
29€ /mo
Design Program
Power BI
2750€ p.p.
Advanced Report and Geo Mapping
- Visualization best practices
- Custom visualizations and custom themes
- Map visualizations
- Building advanced reports and dashboards
Filter Context, Calculate and Iterators
- DAX calculation engine and filter context
- Filter context and CALCULATE
- Iterator functions
Loading Data and Data Modeling
- Data modeling
- Many-to-many relations
- Custom calendar table
- Working with snapshot data
- Tracking slowly changing dimensions
Filter and Table Functions
- Returning filtered tables and creating new tables
- Working with unique values
- Time intelligence functions
Disconnected Tables
- Measure parameters
- Measure selection
- Forecasting
Power Query Advanced Editor
- M Syntax
- Reusing entire or parts of other queries
- M Functions
DAX Tips and Tricks
- Dynamic titles and variable declaration
- Generating data table with DAX
- Storing measures and staying organized
End-to-End Case Study
- Connect to data
- Calculate KPIs
- Create advanced visualizations
- Create a report control dashboard with slicers
Training Formats
In Person
Team Training
At Your Office
Team Training
for Individuals
Who is my trainer?
We do not guarantee a specific instructor per course but we make sure your training is led by an expert in the field. We are able to indicate your instructor's name before booking the training as we see their availability for given dates. Please not that our trainers have experience across different industries and unique knowledge of applications of the analytical tools.
Will we need and NDA (non-disclosure agreement)?
It is common for the course participants to approach us with their specific problems based on the company data. It is often sensitive data and we would like to make sure you can feel save and secure about it. Therefore, we always recommend signing an NDA and send it along as our pre training preparation package. However, it is not required.
What is the language of instruction?
As we mostly train international companies, all our trainings are conducted in English unless specifically agreed otherwise; however, support is provided in English, Dutch, Polish, and German.
Will we receive a certificate of completion?
At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of completion, which specifies the learned contents of the seminar.
Can my training be customized?
Yes it is possible, however it may generate additional cost depending on the magnitude of changes. We would like to discuss it case by case to find an optimal solution. If you are interested in developing a training based on your data drop us a line.
The level within my team varies. What can we do?
Before the training all participants are asked to take a short survey. This helps us in understanding better the level across your team beforehand. Additionally, we are flexible and will adjust to your needs as we go. The instructor can quickly recognize learning curve of the group and adjust the pace during the training. Usually 10% of the course outline is moderated during the training.
What is the difference between in-person training and real-time training?
In-person training means our trainer comes to your office to host the training. Therefore, having a dedicated room where all participants feel comfortable is important. Alternatively, in extraordinary circumstances, we could arrange a training location for your team but this would come at additional expense. The Real-Time Training takes place as scheduled online sessions either via Zoom, MS Teams, Webex, Hangouts or another software of your choice. This setup allows for scheduling flexibility, trainings of remote teams and direct screen sharing for the questions. Training content is the same for both.
What happens after I send a training request?
Once you inquire for the training offer, we will send you a pdf document with exact course outline and our offer.
If you like it, you confirm the booking via email and we block the training dates that suit you.
We follow-up with pre-training preparation, access links and all detailed information so that the training can run smoothly.